프로젝트/Django - How Dimt?

Django poj.c B8) Eng) Signup !! Eventually !! - 14th day

Fola 2022. 5. 1. 22:20

Code B Django 8th article, 14th day of the project (Sunday)





Development progress now.

I completed the core structure of the Signup page. 

I need the Django User Model cause of security issues - for example, password encryption or password validation.

But it was not easy to make code satisfying me with the User Model which Django already made. 

Anyway, I did it eventually.



(capture) template page of signup






The first time, I just used 'form' following textbooks code and it looks like this.


{{ form.username.label }}

{{ form.username }}


It was ok if I didn't want to use CSS styling. 

'form' makes input text boxes automatically. And I couldn't change any other attributes. There are ugly text boxes. 






I want to put {{ form.fields }} inside of input tags because If I could set {{ form }} in the HTML tags, it is easy to assign class attributes to tags for styling. 

And I think that many people use something like this for the 'POST' form method with Model.

But I had to spend lots of time and energy because that was hard to find what I expected.


So many blogs and textbooks say that write just {{ form.as_p }} or assign style attribute in Form class using widgets like this.


widgets = {


'style' : 'max-width: 300px; '



Not to mention the first way, but I don't want the second one because it messes up MTV design pattern.


Eventually, thankfully I found what I want in some blog. It shows how to access Django Forms in Html form. 



    <label for="{{ form.username.id_for_label }}">아이디</label>

    <input type="text"

           name="{{ form.username.html_name }}"

           id="{{ form.username.id_for_label }}"






I've gotten the idea from this blog. Thank you.


django 04. 장고 개인 프로젝트 6 - 회원가입, 로그인 폼 꾸미기







I have lots of stories besides this,

It seems to need an eternity of time if I write in English continuously.

So I end up this post here. 

And I am going to write the next story in Korean as simply as possible.


Thank you for reading my story!